Dear readers,
What does liberation mean to you? Is it the absence of limitation, both physical and mental? Perhaps you feel liberated when you are reminded of your autonomy, or when you successfully break away from the norm. Evidently, freedom can mean a myriad of things, depending on who you are. Bearing that in mind, expect the unexpected in our latest Spiegeloog issue 426: Liberation.

Cover by Hanna Niedl
We begin with Words to Start, contemplating liberation from expectations for a life to come. Avanti then shares her captivating review of the movie The Swimmers, speaking to the bigger picture of the hardships refugees face. Aki sheds light on the intersection between justice, relief and liberation, in her piece about life after wrongful convictions. Katharina from SIOS shares her essay on the Open Science Renaissance, and Richard Ridderinkhof explains the links between behaviour and the brain for Ask the Expert. Anika follows this by considering the importance of creative expression, while Katie explores the pathway to liberation for those who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Evita provides a glimpse into the realm of Liberation Psychology for PSYCHsources and Ayla ponders the implications of ignoring sex differences in psychology and neuroscience research. Shriya leads us down the dark side of dreams with a holistic picture on the ins and outs of recurring nightmares, what they are and why they may occur. Vadim invites us to think about two sides to every coin, diving into our sense of freedom after going through a break-up. Anushka reviews the 1997 memoir by Jean-Dominique Bauby, describing his life, using only his left eyelid, before and after a massive stroke left him trapped in his own body. Looking further into the ways our minds wander, Aniya contemplates the blurred lines between dissociation and simple daydreaming. With summer inching closer and closer, Laura features recipes for some of our editors’ favorite cocktails, and finally, our issue comes to a close with her thoughts on wanting to do everything all at once.
Enjoy the new issue!
Anushka & Evita
Dear readers,
What does liberation mean to you? Is it the absence of limitation, both physical and mental? Perhaps you feel liberated when you are reminded of your autonomy, or when you successfully break away from the norm. Evidently, freedom can mean a myriad of things, depending on who you are. Bearing that in mind, expect the unexpected in our latest Spiegeloog issue 426: Liberation.

Cover by Hanna Niedl
We begin with Words to Start, contemplating liberation from expectations for a life to come. Avanti then shares her captivating review of the movie The Swimmers, speaking to the bigger picture of the hardships refugees face. Aki sheds light on the intersection between justice, relief and liberation, in her piece about life after wrongful convictions. Katharina from SIOS shares her essay on the Open Science Renaissance, and Richard Ridderinkhof explains the links between behaviour and the brain for Ask the Expert. Anika follows this by considering the importance of creative expression, while Katie explores the pathway to liberation for those who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Evita provides a glimpse into the realm of Liberation Psychology for PSYCHSources and Ayla ponders the implications of ignoring sex differences in psychology and neuroscience research. Shriya leads us down the dark side of dreams with a holistic picture on the ins and outs of recurring nightmares, what they are and why they may occur. Vadim invites us to think about two sides to every coin, diving into our sense of freedom after going through a break-up. Anushka reviews the 1997 memoir by Jean-Dominique Bauby, describing his life, using only his left eyelid, before and after a massive stroke left him trapped in his own body. Looking further into the ways our minds wander, Aniya contemplates the blurred lines between dissociation and simple daydreaming, while Evita shares her attempts to exploit the night, turning to biphasic sleep to ‘revolutionise’ her sleeping patterns. With summer inching closer and closer, Laura features recipes for some of our editors’ favorite cocktails, and finally, our issue comes to a close with her thoughts on wanting to do everything all at once.
Enjoy the new issue!
Anushka & Evita